Let's get real...We are the Campus Community Life Group of Northwest Baptist Church. We worship, we pray, we draw close to Jesus. As a community we are here to hang, to help, and break any record that has never been set in the Guinness Book of World Records.


We meet...

SUNDAY MORNING: 9:20am life group at Northwest Baptist Church (http://www.nwbc.tv/) in the robe room

11am Campus Church service at OCU with potluck lunch everyweek

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sunday Morning Life Group

Sunday mornings at Campus Community start out at 9:00a.m. with some great food (usually cooked by Keri, who, just less than a year ago claimed she couldn't cook anything, but who is now nearly world famous) and some hang time. Recently we have been going through a book by John Piper, Desiring God. Through last week's lesson, I was reminded of the importance of reaching out to the lost and bringing them into the kingdom of light. Of course, I knew that yes, absolutely I need to be ministering to those who don't know Jesus. But, I feel as though I have forgotten the pressing need that people have in this regard. I feel God stirring my own heart to do something more than what I am doing now, to be more intentional about what I am doing for His kingdom in regard to those still in darkness. I am praying that He will continue to stir my heart as He shows me the path to walk on. And I am trusting He will lead me just as He has promised...

Nomads 3: Feast, Fun, and Purpose

Nomads Weekend @ Heart Of God Ministries. Part 3 and last of the Nomads series

Feasting at Nomads isn't as easy as it sounds. As you can see from these two pics, there are Good Times and Hard Times to be expected. Look at Ryan and Abbigail's face in the pic to the left. Ryan is reaching out for water in order to prevent the inevitable. They are eating Grub Worms, Eel, Fermented Duck Egg, Pickled Pigs Foot...etc. The infamous Food Eating Contest at Nomads is the Feast to End all Feasts. Those who endure are worthy of honor and pride. Thumbs up Abbigail and Ryan. You did well. You lost, but you did well.

Fun could be interpreted as Ho-Down at Nomads. Worship was very celebratory and led to much dancing, clapping, shouting, and laughter. Of coarse, if you're the type that enjoys hanging out in grass huts and developing strategies for changing the world, then you definitely missed your golden opportunity. If you think that I might have suffered some over the weekend by missing out on my weekly dose of Ultimate...your wrong. We played the Ultimate game of Ultimate, Primitive style, in the woods and around the trees. There was even a nasty septic smelling tar pit in one the goals.

The purpose of the weekend was manifold...Celebrating Jesus, Celebrating God's Heart for the World, and Celebrating our opportunity to jump on board with God's call on our life. We heard great teachings that ranged from Celebration (imagine that), to Intimacy with Jesus. We heard testimonies from those that are losing their lives for the sake of those who are dying. Some of the stories were difficult to stomach, such as the woman who is caring for three hundred abandoned children from Sudan. These kids have murdered in the name of revolution, seen their 9 year old soldier friends murdered by other children under order, witnessed the killing of their mothers and fathers, and have been struggling to survive without anyone on their side. I'm pulling it back as I type this...it's hard to ignore the needs outside of my living room. I really do experience a healthy pain of compassion that begs for my action in God's purpose in this world.

I hope that you guys have enjoyed your window into Nomads. See ya...this is K-Dog over and out (oao)...catch ya on the flip side (cyotfs)...stay cool (sc)...

Monday, May 5, 2008

Nomads #2: Aradhna

Nomads Weekend @ Heart of God Ministries is an outdoor missions conference that is hosted every year in Choctaw OK. College students from around the country join HGM's celebration of Jesus Christ. This is my 2nd post of a 3 part series...Nomads.

Aradhna made no small contribution to the weekend.

Chris Hale (Sitar) and Peter Hicks (Acoustic Guitar) sat on the stage, paused with huge grins, and began to jam. It is so clear how much joy Chris and Peter have just worshiping Jesus. These guys emote a presence that can easily make you jealous so that they can invite you to join them. I should have taken some pictures of all the grins around me as the whole crowd gladly came to worship and enjoy Jesus with them.

Chris and Peter must have put some effort into being the outcome of a collision that included Ghandi, George Harrison, and Simon and Garfunkel all on the same bus...but neither of these three could have danced on their bottom while playing a guitar or sitar like Chris and Peter. As the show rolls on more parts of the band emerge. First a local S. Indian drum percussionist who sat down on the floor next to Chris and naturally flowed into the grin session. After a few more songs, two other musicians set up behind Chris and Peter with a Bass guitar and Drum set. Unbelievable.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

OCU Luncheon

Every Thursday, during the school year,the BCM at OCU has a free lunch to get to know some of the students on campus. Our family tries to frequent these lunches when possible. We have been able to meet a lot of great students at this lunch and have found it to be a great oppurtunity to meet students that haven't yet heard of the great power of Jesus. This Thursday was the last one for this school year, but we will take the opportunity next year to meet more students and hopefully help them discover the wonderful news of Jesus.